Price labels mm. 21x12   6 products

Price labels suitable for 1 print line - 6 Digits.

Suitable in white paper with a red line on the top and on the bottom and in 4 fluorescent colours: Yellow, Green, Red and Orange.

Suitable with permanent or removable glue

From 0,65 €

Price per unit €
10203040 +
Label size (mm)
Size (mm) base
Size (mm) height
Labels per roll
Rolls per carton
Labels per carton
10203040 + Quantity
EXER100060 Fluo Orange 21X12211210001010000Permanent0,970,870,820,78
subtract add
EXER100050 Fluo Red 21X12211210001010000Permanent0,970,870,820,78
subtract add
EXER100040 Fluo Green 21X12211210001010000Permanent0,970,870,820,78
subtract add
EXER100030 Fluo Yellow 21X12211210001010000Permanent0,970,870,820,78
subtract add
EXER100020 White 21X12211210001010000 Removable1,070,960,910,86
subtract add
EXER100010 White 21X12211210001010000Permanent0,810,730,690,65
subtract add


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