Utility white labels - 500 sheets.   16 products
Etichette bianche Utility (500 fogli) - det1
ASAs Etichette bianche Utility (500 fogli) - det2   

White adhesive labels with permanent glue  available in different sizes. Suitable for all kind of inkjet and laser printers and copiers. Designed for printing big quantity of labels. Economy pack solution: Pack of 500 sheets.  3 packs per carton. 

Data sheet (94.22 KB.)

From 35,40 €

Price per unit €
36912 +
Label size (mm)
Size (mm) base
Size (mm) height
Labels per sheet
Sheets per pack
Labels per pack
36912 + Quantity
UTBP107080 210x2972102971500500-35,40
subtract add
UTBP104080 105x4810548125006000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP104040 105x42,310542.3145007000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP104000 105x3610536165008000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP104020 105x3710537165008000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP107060 210x14821014825001000live cut35,40
subtract add
UTBP102080 70x3570352450012000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP103000 70x3670362450012000live cut35,40
subtract add
UTBP103020 70x3770372450012000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP107040 210x992109935001500live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP106040 105x14810514845002000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP107010 210x742107445002000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP102040 52,5x29,752.529.74050020000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add
UTBP102000 38x21,23821.26550032500live cut35,40
subtract add
UTBP105010 105x701057085004000live cut35,40
subtract add
UTBP105090 105x741057485004000live cut54,4649,0143,5738,12
subtract add


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